Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sheraton Brunch

One of the other embassy trainees turned 25 today and to celebrate we all went to Shearaton Hotel at the West Lake about 10 min. from Hanoi city centre. We'd been told there was an exellent brunch - and we weren't dissapointed!
Never in my life have I seen so much food! At first we felt a bit weird about it, knowing that people just outside the door would be able to feed an entire family for a week or more with the 23 USD the champagne-brunch cost pr. person. We decided to make the best of the experience although it felt rather absurd to be surrounded by luxury and waiters on every hand.
As the word "champagne-brunch" indicates the food orgie came with champagne, beer and wine ad libithum. This is the first morning ever I've started with champagne and sushi : )
I can't even remember all the different things on the buffet, but I'll show you a few pics of the amazing desserts so you'll get an impression.

I don't remember ever eating so much and it's certainly not something I would want to do every day - but if you can put aside the crazy circumstances (being in a luxury hotel in Vietnam) it was a cool experience and the food was amazing.....

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