Monday, July 24, 2006

4 countries in a week

So here I am - in Singapore - the 4th country since last Monday, when I left Prague.
I spent two days in Bangkok shopping and walking around the city. I noticed the prices have gone up a bit - it's still dirt cheap compared to Denmark. Three years ago I ate about 7 little plates of sushi and had a coke for around 150 bath. Saturday the same amount bought me 2 plates and a coke at the same place.

Today I took the plane to Singapore - it's my first visit to the city/state and my first impression is that it's a very groomed city who've lost a bit of it's charm due to the economic growth. Maybe Singapore will prove me wrong, but somehow I can't get used to all the skyscrapers. It looks too groomed to me...

I'm finding rather annoying not being able to speak and Asian languague - due to my looks everyone expects me to. Oh well, at least here English goes a long way : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a privilege the whole experience for you Kath! I'm totally excited for you. Hope everything goes well and yo settle in Hanoi easily once you get there. Keep us posted! xxx